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Project Management Question Bank
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A construction project requires that government environmental hearings be held prior to site preparation. What kind of dependency is this?
  1. Optional dependency
  2. Discretionary dependency
  3. Soft logic
  4. External dependency

Q2. All of the following are parts of the team’s stakeholder management effort EXCEPT:

  1. Determining stakeholders’ needs.
  2. Identifying stakeholders.
  3. Giving stakeholders extras.
  4. Managing stakeholders’ expectations.
Correct Answer

Q3. Which of the following is not a management skill that a project manager will use to get support from the stakeholders?

  1. Facilitate consensus
  2. Resolving conflicts
  3. Negotiate agreement to satisfy needs
  4. None of the above
Correct Answer

Q4. Cause-and-Effect diagrams are used to illustrate how various factors might link to potential problems or effects. They are also called:

  1. Taguchi diagrams
  2. Pareto diagrams
  3. Ishikawa diagrams
  4. Process diagrams
Correct Answer

Q5. Which of these is not a component of the scope baseline that is contained in the project management plan?

  1. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
  2. Requirements documentation
  3. WBS Dictionary
  4. Project Scope Statement
Correct Answer

Q6. Which statement BEST explains the phrase “Quality is planned in, not inspected in.”

  1. It is more expensive to determine quality by inspection than by planning it.
  2. Quality activities occur during the planning process group of the project
  3. Quality is part of planning, not inspection
  4. Planning for quality is after the fact.
Correct Answer

Q7. Performance reports should address all the needs of:

  1. Management.
  2. Team members.
  3. The project manager.
  4. Stakeholders.
Correct Answer

Q8. You are in the define scope process and defining the detailed scope of the product and the project. This process helps you define the description of product, service or result and define boundaries and tells you about requirement inclusion and exclusion. Which of the following is not an outcome once the process ends?

  1. Acceptance criteria
  2. Project exclusions
  3. Risk register update
  4. Stakeholder register update
Correct Answer

Q9. ___________________ is performed on risks that have been prioritized by the Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis process as potentially and substantially impacting the project's competing demands.

  1. Perform Risk Cost Analysis
  2. Perform Risk Exposure Analysis
  3. Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
  4. Perform Risk Outcome Analysis
Correct Answer

Q10. The State of New York has contracted with your company to provide a claims payment system for Medicaid benefits. In the contract, a clause states that the State of New York can review your work processes and deliverables. This is an example of:

  1. Performance Report
  2. Record Management System
  3. Deliverables Checklist
  4. Inspections and Audits
Correct Answer

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